American Samoa is an island in the South Pacific. It is 2,200 miles southwest of Hawaii.
CQ Zone 32
ITU Zone 62
Grid AH45

9/16/2024 – KH8T is now in the books with 43064 QSOs in the log. Antennas are being taken down and suitcases packed. Flight to Honolulu late tonight and on to our home QTHs in the following days. This was a great trip with new experiences had by all. All of us were motivated by the enthusiasm of the callers and interest and support in our expedition.
9/15/12024 - Today is our last full day of operation. Over 40K QSOs in the log. We were delighted to work over 260 stations on 60 meters last night. The QSO rate tapered off on SuperFox and Fox & Hound, so we switched to FT4 and found an entire new “layer” of operators anxious to work us. Today we will concentrate on getting as many Hams as possible in the log.
M0URX is our QSL manager, all QSL requests must go through him.https://www.m0urx.com/oqrs/logsearch.php?dxcallsign=KH8T
If you believe that you were logged incorrectly or incompletely, please use the Log Check Request form on the M0URX web site. (He will only process one request per callsign, so I suggest you wait until after Sept 16 to make your request. One request can be for multiple QSOs.)
9/12/2024 - We are dealing with the after effects of a solar flare induced radio black out. Making very few QSOs at this time. Hopefully will clear in a few hours.
SuperFox is not getting the traffic anticipated, so we will be moving stations back and forth between SuperFox and regular Fox & Hound.
9/12/2024 - 31K QSOs so far. We are trying to be responsive, to the extent we can, to comments and requests. We were on 160 FT8 all last night and netted 42 QSOs. Still trying to decide tonight’s low band strategy. We have received a SuperFox key from NCDXF.
All FT8 between 40 and 10 meters will now be SuperFox. 160, 80, and 6 will use regular F&H or regular FT8.
9/11/2024 - Over 29K QSOs in the log so far. We have been on 80 meters at our sunset for NA and our sunrise for EU, but very few QSOs completed. We are running 750 watts into a full size vertical, but the local power line noise is very high. This makes CW very difficult. Plan is to reconfigure the vertical for 160 for tonight’s sunset. CW ops have been up until 4:00 a.m. local, working 20 and 40.
Reminder that M0URX is our QSL manager. All QSL requests should go through him.
All requests for Log Checks should be requested using the Log Check Request form on the M0URX website.
We have recently experienced connection issues with ClubLog, but have been able to resync logs are the connection come back.
I know that there are other Dxpeditions on the FT-8 frequencies. We understand that FT-8 can support more than one station on the same frequency band at the same time.Today we received a SuperFox key from NCDXF. We plan to try it on some of our stations in the next day or two. We will be sure to announce a spot for which mode we are using.
Low Band Update We have the low band antenna up. Right now it is configured for 80. There is a lot of local noise on all bands especially the low bands. We plan to run a station on 80 FT8 at our sunset and our sunrise (5:18z and 17:21z) tonight.
9/8/2024 - Over 18,000 QSOs in the log. Continuing with all modes. Still dealing with local noise; we think it is coming from powerlines and streetlights. This makes it difficult to dig out weaker stations.
The low band vertical was completed yesterday and configured for 80. We had one station on 80 FT8 all night and made 400 QSOs. Plan is to configure for 60 and 160 later in the week. Keep your eye on the banner on the bottom of the ClubLog LiveStream web page for announcements concerning low band operation.
We encountered N1MM issues after we hit 13,000 QSOs in the log. When typing in a callsign it would not appear for a few seconds. This delay made it very difficult when logging CW or SSB. Solution was to save the existing log, and create a new log.
LiveStream as well as M0URX and LoTW uploads are continuing to work well.
For any stations who believe that they were logged incorrectly the process is
1) If possible, work us again before Sept 16. (We do not mind dupes.)
2) Or, wait until after Sept 16, then use the Log Check Request button on the M0URX web site.
Our Logs are uploaded in real-time and our operators do not have the ability to edit them.
Our operators prefer analog modes. We are still doing antenna work which requires 2 operators for safety. That leaves 1 op in the shack to operate. Team decided that rather than take 2 stations offline we would have the one operator on multiple FT8 stations.
The team greatly appreciates and is encouraged by the support and donations coming in. Thank you all so much!!
9/7/2024 - Over 14,500 QSOs in the log. Continuing with all modes. The CW ops are having difficulty getting full callsigns through aurora like propagation to Europe. Many callers on SSB also make getting full callsigns the first time difficult. We are keeping 3 stations on the air most of the time. The low band vertical was partially assembled yesterday but work had to stop due to heavy rain. During the night a heavy storm came through and the partially assembled antenna fell. It is being rebuilt today with an eye to safety. LiveStream as well as M0URX and LoTW uploads are continuing to work well. The team greatly appreciates and is encouraged by the support and donations coming in.
9/6/2024 - Operated SSB on 10 and 15 yesterday, more today. CW and FT8 still going strong. 2 or 3 stations on at most times. Over 8300 QSOs so far. Rain prevented much antenna work yesterday. Received several comments about our FT8 time being off. We are running Meinberg, syncing to the Oceania time server pool, on all computers. Also checking with TIME.IS several times a day; TIME.IS always reports our time as “exact”. We are still looking into it. See some people calling us on FT8 using SuperFox mode; we are using regular Fox & Hound, not SuperFox. ClubLog LiveStream is still working well. Updates to M0URX and LTOW every day. Please note that our pilot's email is bill@priakos.com. Appreciate the support and donations coming it.
9/5/2024 (pm) - We now have ClubLog LiveStream working so QSOs are being uploaded to ClubLog in (near) realtime. ClubLog LiveStream lets you see who and where we are currently working. ClubLog Expedition charts let you check which bands you are already in the log.
Uploads to M0URX and LoTW will remain daily.
Started SSB operations on 15 meters. Lots of callers from all directions, but signals are weak and lots of local noise.
9/5/2024 - 4000 QSOs in the log. Busy building and erecting the second hex beam, and the 30M vertical with elevated radials. Also trying to track down the source of a S3 local noise issue. Today will work on the low band vertical and receiving antennas. FT8 continues to be very fruitful for QSO rate, we are also on CW, and SSB will come soon. So far 17 has been our money band, but also 40, 30, 15, 12, and 10 have been good. Logs are being uploaded to ClubLog and M0URX at least daily. We appreciate the donations that have been coming in; our whole team thanks you!
Sep 4, 2004 - Arrived onsite at 11:00 pm Monday.
Spent most of Tuesday getting Buddihex and 40m vertical erected. Rain has been an issue with antenna work, but we have been able to work around it. Radios, amps and computers working well.
Having difficulty getting ClubLog LiveStream to work properly. So, for now we will be uploading logs daily to ClubLog and to M0URX.
So far we have made over 500 QSOs on 17, 20, and 40.
Not able to meet NCDXF requirements for a SuperFox key, so we are using regular Fox & Hound. Also on CW and soon SSB.
Much of Wednesday will be spent getting the 2nd hex beam up and the low band vertical.
Hoover over to show.
Double Click to expand.



VIO Hex with 30M vertical in back

Low Band Vert



40M Vert

Buddihex at sunrise

N5DD, K5PI, VE7KW (l to r)

September 2 through September 16, 2024
To operate from American Samoa, giving as many of the deserving as possible a chance to work an All Time New One, or a new band or mode country.
Will operate 80, 40, 30, 20, 17,15,12, and 10 meters. Possibly also 160, 60 and 6 propagation and antennas allowing. Will operate CW, SSB, and FT-8.
Please support our DXPedition with any amount. Send PayPal to n5dd@arrl.net, or use Donate button.
Individual Supporters

1) Above 1810 for EU
2) 3600-3612 for JA
3) Just below US phone band
4) 200W power limit 7050-7075
5) KH8 must operate above 10110
6) EU band plan specifies 10140-10150 for digital
7) US Extra 14150, Advanced 14175, General 14225
8) US Extra 21200, Advanced 21225, General 21275
9) US Novice/Technician 28300-28500
10) Standard FT8 frequency
WSJT SuperFox
Since we are using Fox & Hound please make sure that you call us above 1KHz.
We are running wsjtx-2.7.0-rc6.
ClubLog LiveStream
Check the banner on the bottom of the KH8T Livestream page for the most recent message from the team.
For any stations who believe that they were logged incorrectly the process is
1) If possible, work us again before Sept 16. (We do not mind dupes.)
2) Or, wait until after Sept 16, then use the Log Check Request button on the M0URX web site.
Our Logs are uploaded in real-time and our operators do not have the ability to edit them.